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Area of restructuring and insolvencies

Specific Services

  • Analysis from a legal point of view of the company's crisis situation and elaboration of an action plan according to the conclusions reached.
  • Application for declaration of insolvency and monitoring and defence of the client (legal entity/individual) at all stages of the insolvency proceedings.
  • Procedure for obtaining the Benefit of Exemption from Unsatisfied Liabilities (Second Chance Processes) derived from the bankruptcy of an Individual.
  • Challenging and recognising credits.
  • Defence of creditors' interests.
  • Reorganisation and restructuring of companies in pre-bankruptcy or crisis situations.
  • Analysis (due diligence), preparation, and documentary formalisation of the sale or acquisition of productive units.
  • Negotiation, preparation, and monitoring of compliance with creditor agreements.
  • Advice on preparing and negotiating feasibility plans, refinancing proposals, and preparation of stand & still contracts, dations in lieu of payment, and debt capitalisation.