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Procedural Area

After the corresponding analysis, we participate in all phases of the main judicial proceedings in the contentious or procedural field, including precautionary measures, preliminary proceedings, incidents, appeals, enforcement of decisions, and all judicial instances.


  • Judicial proceedings in matters of breach of contract and breach of company law.
  • Liability of administrators and managers.
  • Contractual or extra-contractual liability.
  • Defence in bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Product liability.
  • Unfair competition.
  • Professional liability.
  • Enforcement of judicial or arbitral decisions, both domestic and foreign.

Real estate

  • Legal proceedings in matters of real estate and construction defects.


  • Judicial proceedings in matters of inheritance
  • Procedures on the capacity of people.

New Technologies

  • Procedures for breach of a contract or regulations, monetary and non-monetary enforcement, and special precautionary measures.