Camil Raich Puyol

Lawyer & Founding Partner

Law Degree from the Universidad de Barcelona (1986) and a Master in Business Law from the Universidad de Barcelona (1988). He is a former vice-dean of the Granollers Bar Association, president of the Arbitral Tribunal of Vallés Oriental, and vice-president of the Commission of Bankruptcy Law of the Barcelona Bar Association. He was a partner of the firm Pinto Ruiz & Del Valle. He is Patron of the Foundation of the Elder People of the Franquezas, secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation El Ciprés Vallès Oriental, and member of the Board of the Vallès Oriental Foundation.

He has taught commercial, corporate, and bankruptcy law at the Joan Maria Xiol Escuela Práctica Jurídica, the Pompeu Fabra University, and the illustrious Barcelona Bar Association. He has lectured at other institutions, such as the Bar Associations of Granollers and Barcelona and at the Chamber of Commerce, and has written professional and opinion articles in newspapers and magazines, both general and specialised, such as La Vanguardia, Expansión, Nou9, and Economist & Iuris.

Languages: English, Spanish, and Catalan.

Areas of practice